Museo speleologico Franco Anelli - Castellana Grotte (Bari)
Speleological Museum "Franco Anelli"
Luoghi della cultura; Ente/Istituzione
Museums of natural history and natural sciences
The Speleological Museum at the Castellana Caves, opened on January 23, 2000, on the occasion of the 62th anniversary of the discover of the karst system, is dedicated to the caver and scientist Franco Anelli (1899-1977) who beside discovering the caves, widely disseminated the related knowledge, and acted for many years as scientific director. The Museum, hosted in the building planned by architect Pietro Favia (1895-1972), represents a good opportunity to deepen the knowledge about the caves for any tourist, and has become with time a fundamental site for the growing didactic tourism, with some 6000 scholars in the year 2010-2011. At this regard, guided tours, didactic laboratories and caving tours in the lateral branches of the Castellana caves are the main offers provided at the site.
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