Luoghi della cultura; Ente/Istituzione
Art museums
The building had been for half a century a center of graphic ad artistic production and a meeting place for intellectuals and men of letters such as D'Annunzio, Pirandello, Grazia Deledda, Ada Negri, Guido Gozzano, Umberto Saba, Vincenzo Bucci, Federigo Tozzi, Goffredo Bellonci, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Giovanni Pascoli, Salvator Gotta and others. In 1966 Tommaso Cascella bequeathed it to the Town of Pescara, which in 1975 inaugurated there a museum dedicated to the artist. The collection includes paintings, sculptures and even graphic and plastic art-works carried out by Basilio himself and by other members of his family, his sons Tommaso, Michele and Gioacchino.
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Anagrafe Luoghi della CulturaIdentifier: mus_9240
License: Con attribuzione, no opere derivate, senza riuso commerciale